Feeding Tips & Guidelines

Updated 8 months ago by Ruth Stedman

How Much Do I Feed My Pup?

View our feeding guidelines below. These recommendations are based on adult maintenance guidelines established by AAFCO.

Fresh Frozen Feeding Guidelines
Dry Whole Food Cubies Feeding Guidelines


Yes, the Cubies and Gently Cooked are the pawfect combo! Our Chief Pup Officer Lola loves having variety in her meals, so she eats the gently cooked with Cubies for an extra crunch. Feeding both in the same meal, or even rotating the Cubies with the Gently Cooked is a good way to keep picky pups interested in their meal times.

If I Use It As a Mixer, How Much Do I Feed?

If you want to feed half A Pup Above and half another food, simply feed half the full portion size of both A Pup Above and other food each day. If you'll be feeding one quarter A Pup Above and three quarters other food, feed a quarter of the full portion of A Pup Above and three quarters of the full portion of other food. These guidelines work with feeding our Cubies and gently cooked foods together as well!

How Do I Make the Switch to A Pup Above?

Transitioning your dog's food can take up to a week and in some cases two weeks, especially if your pup has eaten kibble their whole life. Think of it as having eaten rice cakes every day and then suddenly eating a big juicy steak. We highly recommend following our transition guide so your pup's stomach has the appropriate time to adjust his or her stomach to the new food. While it may take some time, it's totally worth it because it's 100% better for their health so they can live long happy lives and avoid pesky vet visits.

Below is the recommended transition guide: 

  • Days 1-2: 75% old food + 25% A Pup Above
  • Days 3-4:  50% old food + 50% A Pup Above
  • Days 5-6: 25% old food + 75% A Pup Above
  • Days 7+: 100% A Pup Above goodness!

Can I Use This Food for a Puppy?

A Pup Above recipes are formulated for adult dogs.

For puppies, A Pup Above is a great topper option that makes even the pickiest of eaters lick their bowl clean. However, puppies should not be fed A Pup Above exclusively. Puppies need extra calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals to support their growth. Generally, once dogs are a year or older, they can transition fully to an adult food. The exception to this is giant breed dogs (>80 pounds) as they can take up to two years to reach full maturity.

Can I switch between recipes once my pup transitions to the food?

Once your pup has transitioned to A Pup Above, you are able to rotate to different recipes within the same line (Gently Cooked or Cubies). In fact, we encourage it! A rotational diet is an excellent way to ensure your pup is receiving a variety of nutrients from his or her diet. 

If your pup is trying a new line, then we recommend a similar transition schedule to what you used prior. For example, if your pup eats our gently cooked and wants to try our Cubies, follow a similar transition plan that your pup followed to transition to the gently cooked. 

How long does food stay fresh after being defrosted?

Our food is good in the fridge for 5-7 days once defrosted and open. Each bag holds individually sealed one pound patties. This allows you to keep the bags in the freezer and just defrost one patty or one pound of food at a time. Since the patties are vacuum sealed, they are good in the fridge for 14 days unopened.

Can I refreeze the food?

It is best to be fed once thawed. If it needs to be re-frozen, ensure this is done quickly after thawing and be sure the product has been kept cold.


You can! But recent research found 95% of recipes online to be lacking in crucial nutrients for dogs. Serious complications from nutrient deficiencies (and, more commonly, overdosing) could arise if a recipe hasn’t been properly calibrated. If you do decide to cook at home, please please please work with a vet nutritionist to ensure everything is properly calibrated.

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